"Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"
— Martin Luther King Jr.
Giving Back
I learned early in life that the quality of success is measured by the most impoverished among us. That is why I maintain a steady focus on philanthropy and supporting community.
100,000 Masks for India!
India is the heart of Jeffrey’s company, Vyng. Without strong intervention to reduce the spread, India’s poor will be rocked by COVID-19. Jeffrey partnered with contacts at GiveIndia, India’s largest online donation platform and CRY who is already delivering food and prevention equipment to India’s poor in and around New Delhi, to get these masks to those most in need. For every $1 donated, 5 people receive masks.
Getting Keurig machines & coffee into hospitals
Soon after the start of the Coronavirus, Jeffrey reached out to his sister - an ER Doctor on the front lines in NYC - asking how he could help and support her during this scary and stressful time. She said that coffee during the night shift is hard to come by. Within hours, Jeffrey raised thousands of dollars, expanded their efforts to other hospitals, and got connected to Keurig Coffee who took the reins and is making sure all hospitals are staying caffeinated.
NFTY Mentorship Program
Jeffrey volunteers with NFTE, a non-profit that pairs entrepreneurs with students to provide mentorship and foster an excitement for creating something from nothing. In 2016, his mentee came in second place in the NFTE National Competition and He got to meet President Obama as part of his award.
Much of the success of entrepreneurial endeavors is about being flexible enough to shift your methodology and tactics in order to meet the needs of the problem you are trying to solve. Teaching young kids that mindset early is how we co-create the pathways to success for the leaders of tomorrow.
At their annual Gala, Jeffrey was recognized for his creative fundraising tactics. He refrained from drinking water for 24 hours (not easy!) while taking that opportunity to educate people on water shortage inequities across the globe. He raised $8,000 to build two clean water wells with Generosity for 630 people in Uganda and Peru.
Beach Party Fundraisers
Every year Since 2013, Jeffrey throws some of the largest beach parties in Venice. Not only is it a fun time for his friends and the greater community, Jeffrey quickly realized he could leverage his influence for the greater good by pairing every event with a non-profit cause. He’s raised thousands of dollars for Syrian Civil War relief, the Red Cross, LA Firefighters and First Responders, US Veterans, and more.
Holiday Toy Drive
Jeffrey Produced a Holiday concert with local Venice Beach musicians where he raise awareness about children in need during the Holiday season. He held a toy Drive to collect toys for kids so they could have a happy Christmas and holiday.